Thursday, November 1, 2012

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates...

...You never know what you're gonna get.

This quote seems to pretty much sum up the ultra-sound and doctor appointment Todd and I experienced today.

Let's start with the good news first: Ruby is healthy and perfect. her heartbeat is strong, her development is normal, she is 4 lbs. (a little bit tinier than average but nothing to worry about at all.) I am in almost perfect health. My fluids all look great, as does my placenta.

Here's one aspect that was the beginning of the "bad news" (which, keep reading, there is a bright side to that, too): Ruby is completely breech. Her head is right under my sternum with her back curved along my left side, her little butt sits right on top of my cervix area, her legs curl up around my right side, and her little perfect feet are right in front of her face. That means that we did not get to see her lovely little face today. We managed to see her toes, an ear, and a partial glimpse of an eye and nose.

The next thing the ultra-sound tech checked was my cervix. This is where the "bad news" really starts. As you readers already know, I am experiencing preterm labor which has had to be stopped with meds. The cervix has also started its job for the birthing process. It is soft and short. I am not dilated at all, which is good, but there are some precautions that need to be made at this point.

First of all, I am to continue to take the meds to keep the contractions and pre-term labor at bay. I was given the first of a series of steroid shots that basically kick-start Ruby's lung development. From what I know-- which is limited-- a baby's lungs do not fully develop until around the 36th/37th week. I am-- as of today-- exactly 32 weeks. Because my cervix is soft and short-- or thinning-- I have been put on bed rest until Ruby makes her appearance. We left the appointment with the mindset that we would be doing everything in our powers to keep Ruby inside of me for at least 3 more weeks, if not longer.

At 35 weeks, the local hospital will deliver a baby if the baby has had those super lung development shots. If a baby comes before 35 weeks, patients are transported to a Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Boise. Lucky for us, there is an excellent NICU at St. Luke's in Boise, which is only about an hour away from Vale. I have heard great things about this place and the staff. I even had a good friend work there for a period of time, so I feel really good about that aspect should we cross that bridge.

We need your positive thoughts and, if you are religious or spiritual, prayers to make it to the 35 week mark (if not longer!) Ruby might think she is in charge, but, really, she has no idea who she is dealing with-- her MOTHER! She has no idea yet what kind of super powers I possess. I can definitely do anything for 3 weeks-- especially for my child.

Lucky for us, if life truly is a box of chocolates, we are fortunate to have been given a box of Godiva Chocolates. Even if we bite into a chocolate with the expectation of creamy caramel filling and instead get raspberry, we're still eating Godiva Chocolate. There's nothing negative about that!

Alright-- back to some positives: I am, for the most part, healthy. Ruby is healthy. Todd, Rocco, and I are surrounded by amazing friends and family and coworkers who will help make this situation as easy as possible on us. We are very, very fortunate. We have good insurance, good jobs, and are financially secure. I have a nice, new home to hang out in for the next three weeks. I have started a "Kick Bed Rest's Ass" list with lots of things to keep me preoccupied. Rocco has a wonderful babysitter who will make sure he is having good days while he is at her house. There are lots more I could add to the list-- it is all good. Everything will be okay. Even if we get more of those raspberry centers.

I start going in next week twice a week to be monitored. Maybe Ruby will start to feel a little guilty about all the stress she is already causing me (hell, it's like I'm already dealing with a teenager! LOL) and make sure she's camera ready at the next ultra-sound. If so, I will make sure to post some photos for all of my loyal readers.

Until then, if you find yourself bored during the day, email me, text me, call me, or even stop by. If you are reading this, I know that you will be thinking of us and for that I thank you. Please send Godiva Chocolates. (I'm joking.)

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