Monday, April 29, 2013

Simple Life

Having a 2-year old makes me stop and enjoy the simple things in life, like Play-Doh. Rolling the dough between my palms, smashing it against the table, creating long hissing snakes, and building monsters is a stress-reliever in the simplest sense. It's a time where the stacks of late work assignments, reading journals, and writing projects take a backseat. It's a time where the students with negative attitudes fade into the background noise of the T.V. and the worries of lesson planning for a new class subside.

For a moment, I am focused only on two things: Play-Doh and my son, who is only wearing Thomas the Train underwear and a smile.

The papers, the journals, the students, their parents, and the lesson planning can wait.

This is more important.

This is the only thing that is important.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Come on Summer!

You last heard from me in the midst of potty training... and, as my Cousin Sue (from New England) would point out-- WTF, there hasn't been any posts since then, what is going on with the Shaffers?!?! Here is a little update on all of us:

I am currently nursing that feels like a hangover-- muscles are sore, head throbs, and sick to my stomach. Unfortunately, I was not out into the wee morning hours drinking and carrying on and having a fun time. I was chaperoning high school prom. That's right-- prom. And, yes, that's right-- I am officially OLD since I feel hungover today after chaperoning! The theme was New York-- and the school was transformed into Central Park, Times Square, a subway, the Brooklyn Bridge, China Town, Yankee Stadium (GO BO-SOX!), and much more. The kids looked amazing and were having tons of fun. It is always nice to see them in a different element than the classroom. It was fun. (For the record, the flu is going around, so I'm pretty sure that's what's going on with me lol)

Yesterday, Todd and I went out to shoot ground squirrels at the farm. They are destroying my dad's wheat field. We were out for about and hour and a half and killed over 50 of those suckers. It was a great form of therapy-- nothing like shooting a gun-- and way to feel like we were helping rid my dad of those pesky rodents.

Todd has been plugging away at work and is looking forward to another year at VMS in the fall. This will be his last year on probation within the school district. I just signed a 2-year contract for next fall, as I am officially off of probation! It feels good to finally feel settled into a classroom, a district, and with a group of colleagues after switching jobs every year for the first three years after graduating from college. Todd will still be teaching Health and Computers, while I will keep representing Art and Sophomore English.

Speaking of work... I have completed 3 weeks since my extended bed rest leave/maternity leave. I have to say that leaving the second child is much less traumatic than the first. I have enjoyed being back. I have great kids this year and I work with outstanding people, so it was easy to come back. It's hard leaving your classroom to a sub in any situation, so that is my only complaint.

Between working full time and having two kiddos, I feel like I don't get much of a break (hence the lack of blogs lately!) But it is a good kind of busy. Summer break is right around the corner, so hopefully we get more of a rest then... and hoping that the weather picks up soon!

It's been a damn cold winter and awfully chilly spring, too. The sun is shining a lot, but it is just burrrrrrrrr. I am looking forward to it warming up. I have lots of projects I need to do around the house and Rocco just loves being outside. He is going to have a blast this summer with his new swing set, his bunny, and his big back yard to play in.

Rocco is talking phenomenally. He tells us stories, he tells us jokes, he tells us what he sees outsides, he makes stuff up, he is just talking up a storm. He is also very energetic-- he is ALL boy. His favorites are firemen, Angry Birds, Garfield, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, coloring, painting, playing outside, construction, and kissing his baby sister, who calls by her first and middle name: Ruby Fawn. He has really grown up tall, so he is leaning out and losing some of his baby fat. We have potty trained somewhat successfully-- he has the pee part down, buts still working on the poop part. He is staying dry at night (even though we put a diaper on him only at night.) He is just such a good kid-- very polite and funny. Todd took him to the park yesterday and said Rocco farted by a little girl. He laughed great big afterwards and said, "Scuse me!"

Ruby is also growing. Not in length so much, but in the chub factor-- that girl has some thighs! Her cheeks are oh-so-kissable, too. She is very alert and loves to socialize. She loves to look at other people and smile. She loves to look at herself in the mirror. She laughs, coos, and giggles. She has really started gnawing at her hands, grabbing my hair with her hands, grabbing blankets, toys, etc. She loves her play mat with hanging toys the best and has started bouncing around in her jumperoo. I am still breastfeeding her (go me!) but supplementing with some formula since I am back at work. She still hates her car seat and is waking up every two and a half hours at night, but, other than that, she is a great kid. She is super sweet most times.

We would like to go on some vacations and mini-vacations during summer break: a trip to La Grande/Enterprise to see friends, a trip to Condon, a trip to the beach/Lincoln City, and a trip to San Diego to meet Todd's sister's baby, Jillian. And maybe a trip to Seattle. We are hoping everything works out and Miss Ruby starts travelling better so we can get out there and see everyone. Rocco is a great little traveler now and really loves to look out the window at everything.

The other "big excitement" for this summer is my ten year high school reunion. I always thought I would be pumped about this event, but, for some reason, I am kind of dreading it! It just doesn't seem like the fun time I had in mind when I was in high school and thinking about where we'd all be 10 years later. I'm sure it will be one of those situations that I dread, then end up going and having a blast. We shall see... I will blog about it afterwards! It is over the 4th of July, which is such a great time in Vale with the parade, rodeo, people, and events in the park. There's no where else I'd rather be over the 4th than in my hometown, so I'm sure it will be a fun time.

Todd and I are still doing Weight Watchers, although it is getting more difficult by the day since I have been back to work. Eating healthy is expensive and requires a lot of prepping. If we don't plan out every little thing we eat, there is no way we can stick to the WW plan. So... we have eased up a bit on it. We are still losing or staying the same with our weight-- not gaining, which is the most important part. I would like to lose about 10 more pounds and Todd is looking at around 5. We will get there!

I guess that's all the news fit to print on my end. We are busy but uneventful at the same time-- just enjoying life and our kiddos!