Saturday, November 3, 2012

In Sickness and in Health

Disclaimer: I'm usually not much of a sappy kinda gal. Actually, I cringe when I read certain greeting cards. I hate predictable endings to movies. I root for the bad guy just because it seems more realistic to life we experience. And I loathe romantic comedies. But this turn of events-- along with pregnancy hormones-- has made me a whole heck of a lot more sentimental than usual. For those of you with sensitive gag reflexes, you might skip this post...

I think one of the most happily surprising aspects of bed rest has been watching my husband in full force beast mode. Currently, the beast lightly slumbers on the couch after another day's work of full-time daddy, housekeeper, husband, care-giver, and superhero.

My house is clean and tidy. The dishes and laundry, for the most part, are done. The fridge and pantry is stocked.

Rocco is happily watching cartoons and sitting beside his napping daddy. He is clean, well-fed, and has Lightning McQueen pajamas on. He has brushed his teeth and his hair is combed. His day was filled with riding his horsey (Rocco sitting on Todd's back; Todd crawling around on his hands and knees), wrestling his arch nemesis (Todd), playing outside (with Todd), building houses with Lincoln Logs, using his tools to fix stuff, hiding (inside his dad's shirt) from mama, growling like a dinosaur, scaring his dad as a ferocious monster, and other exciting toddler boy stuff.

I am well-fed and have been waited on hand-and-foot. My alarm goes off and, without even saying anything, Todd grabs my medication. He refills my glass immediately after I gulp my last bit of water. I re-adjust myself on the couch/chair/bed and he asks, "Are you okay?" He is constantly asking if I need anything while he is up-- or when he is sitting around. I haven't seen one ounce of bitterness, crankiness, resentment, or annoyance from him since I have been sentenced to life on the sidelines, which is pretty damn outstanding. I'd like to say that if the tables were turned, I would handle the situation as gracefully as he has, but, really, he is quickly approaching saint-hood status that would be difficult to measure up to.

Every day life gets hectic and sometimes we lose sight of just how good we have it. I always know I have a good husband and marriage. But the last few days-- these crazy, life-seems-upside-down-days-- have made me realize that I have a phenomenal husband and marriage. It takes me back to how proud I felt on the day I married Todd, and how much I admire his character. I will never again second-guess where his priorities lie. It's quite obvious.

I always joke and say that the reason I married Todd was because he's the only man who can put up with my wide-array of shit. (Which is partly true...) 

But the fact of the matter is that I married Todd because he is deep-down, to the core, a really, really amazing man. I am lucky to have him as my partner.

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