Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It Takes A Village!

I have always loved the quote "It takes a village to raise a child." Part of the reason why I loved the quote was because of where I grew up-- the small community of Vale truly personifies this quote. I was lucky enough to be raised by a village as a child, and I am very grateful that my children will also be raised here. Ruby has already started experiencing the graciousness and kindness of those around her-- and she hasn't even left the womb yet!

One of the best parts of being on bed rest has been seeing who our true friends are. I know it sounds cliche, but it is the honest truth. Few people who I thought I could absolutely count on haven't even acknowledged us-- which makes me sad and reevaluate the relationship we have. But-- more importantly-- there have been those who I always knew I could count on who have gone above and beyond. I'd be lying if I said that being on bed rest was easy. But I can tell you that there have been some amazing people who have made it incredibly easy on myself and my family to be in this situation. This blog is honoring those individuals who have shown us incredible friendship and support throughout the last couple of weeks.

First of all, Todd and I work in a wonderful school district. I do not think we could have it better. When I called and told the secretary at work that I would not be coming in that afternoon... or the rest of the quarter... or the rest of the 3rd quarter... without a sub lined up, without any warning of my absence... she basically told me that she would take care of and then focused on Ruby's well-being. She was just the first of many individuals at work who stepped up to help us out. Both of our building principals have been wonderful-- as is the superintendent. They are flexible and supportive with our job responsibilities-- but, even better, is that they truly care about our family. Teachers from throughout the district have selflessly given up their own sick leave days to me and have done so anonymously without any expectation of a thank you from us. The people we work with are definitely a second family.

Speaking of working with great people, I am honored to call some of my fellow teachers and support staff friends. Linda Fuller and her family brought us out dinner first-- she even called dibs! We were spoiled with home made mac and cheese, baked ham, and blueberry muffins (that lasted us all week!) Kay Ernst brought out her famous potato soup (as requested) with rolls. Merri Jo Freese came out for a visit and brought dinner-- a casserole, brownies, and special "John Deere" jello jigglers for Rocco. Visiting with her has been one of the highlights of these last two weeks.

Nate and Angie Aldred are a special set of friends. Todd coaches with Nate. I had their son in class last year. We might not work with each other every day nor did we grow up together, but we consider them close friends who we hold close to our hearts. They brought us out dinner and visited for a bit. Angie shared stories of her pregnancies-- she is kind of an expert as a mother of five awesome kids! And the guys talked football. They are definitely a couple who we look up to as partners and parents.

One of the biggest team players in this whole thing has been Whitney Barnes. She is a rock star. Not only is she Rocco's babysitter (and a great one at that) but also a mother to two boys, a wife, and a great friend to us. She has brought out dinner twice to us-- both times the food has far exceeded our expectations. More importantly, I trust her with Rocco and can tell she genuinely loves the kid. Being at home without him is tough, but I can't think of anyone else who I'd rather have Rocco with than Whitney if he can't be with his own family. I sincerely appreciate her giving up so much of her own time with her family to help mine out.

Then there's the Super Woman of Malheur County-- Shannon Steele. My God, she puts the rest of us to shame! Wife, mother of four (including an infant!), head volleyball coach, full-time English teacher/Goddess of English, and multi-tasker extraordinaire are just a few of her MANY titles. If you know this woman, you know what I am talking about. Two fully loaded meals have been sent our way with baby Remington and toddler Lincoln in tow. She is far beyond just my partner in crime at work-- she is one of my rocks that I know I can count on for anything. I'm lucky to have her in my life and to call her my friend. Plus, Ruby and Remington are getting married, so we will be related some day, too.

As I type this-- Kelly Cobb (yet again another shining example of a rock star with a husband and five kids at home) is texting me to make arrangements to bring out dinner tomorrow night. And Marti Bair (another wonder-woman with two kiddos and one on the way, teacher, and wifey) is set to bring out dinner on Friday. Oh, and Amy Eddy who going to bring out an apple pie to sweeten up our lives.

That's not even touching on the fact that I have a list of people I could call right now who would be willing to drop what they are doing to do whatever I needed them to do to help me and my family out. Nor have I discussed my own family who are constantly helping us out-- especially my parents. I can't even begin to start thanking those who text me, call me, or leave me Facebook messages. I know there are many who I have not named that are deserving of our recognition-- you know who you are, and we thank you!

To say that Todd, Rocco, Ruby, and I live in a stellar community surrounded by the epitome of "good people" is a severe understatement. We are blessed beyond what words can describe. All I can say is "thank you" from the bottom of my heart to our loved ones-- family and friends-- who go above and beyond for us. We truly appreciate and love you.

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