Monday, November 5, 2012

Baby Update

I went in for an appointment today with my doctor after spending the weekend on bed rest. I don't have a lot to update you on, but I do have more answers to my seemingly endless list of questions.

First of all-- like I try to stress-- the good news: no changes, which is a great thing. My cervix is still closed, yet soft and thinning. I am still on bed rest. I got to listen to Ruby's heartbeat, which is always miraculous and makes me feel at ease. Every time my doctor listens to the heart beat-- every single time-- he says, "Wow, this kid is active!" (After hearing this many, many times, I'm beginning to wonder if I am going to have a little girl very similar to her brother.) Dr. Duncan also said that he felt confident that I would go to at least 35 weeks and that Ruby's lungs will be developed by then after I receive the three superhero shots to develop her lungs.

If I go into labor before I am 35 weeks, I will go to Holy Rosary (yes, I know it is now St. Al's, but I will forever call it Holy Rosary.) If I am not too progressed in my labor, I will be transported via ambulance to the NICU at St. Luke's in Boise. Todd will follow in the car. If I am too far into labor, I will be forced to deliver at Holy Rosary. Ruby will then be transported to St. Luke's. In this situation, Todd will follow Ruby over to the NICU while I am to remain at Holy Rosary until I am discharged. If I deliver vaginally, I could go to her within hours of delivery. If I deliver C-section, it will be longer. As of today, Ruby is still in the Frank Breech position-- her butt is down, her head is right under my sternum, and her feet are up by her face.

The thought of being separated from my child absolutely terrifies me. To put things into perspective-- Rocco is 26 months old, and I have never left him over night. When he was first born, I demanded that someone keep their eyes on him every second for the first two weeks of his life. I am not prepared to be separated from Ruby minutes after she is born. I am beyond the point of being stressed or worried. I am just scared; really, really scared. And I have no control, which is the worst part.

I just have to make it to the 35th week. It's not an option.

If I go into labor after 35 weeks, like I said earlier, Dr. Duncan feels confident that Ruby will be just fine and able to breathe on her own. She might have to stay in the hospital for a few days, but she will not be on a respirator, nor will she be in the NICU.

I go back in on Thursday for my second shot. The following week, I have an ultrasound. They will continue to monitor my progress (or, hopefully, lack of progress) until I go into labor.

PLEASE, please, please keep sending good thoughts our way that we make it to the 35th week mark. I will be 33 weeks on Thursday. Every day seems like a milestone.


  1. I'm so sorry that you even have to go through the stress of this. I can't even imagine how hard it is to stay positive and not let your mind wonder. Just remember to look at the impressively healthy little boy you've already given birth to and remember that you are carrying his sister. I'm sure she will be just as strong and healthy as her big brother and in reality probably more so (she's gotta be able to keep up with him after all :0) ) Much love to You, Todd and Rocco!!!

    1. Thanks, Kels. I'm optimistic that I have a little fighter in me :) We'll make the 35th week... and maybe even longer!!!

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Lord knows I fully comprehend and have been through all your emotions. Dr. Duncan is AMAZING and I have the utmost faith in him and his wife. Do what he tells you to. Don't push it due to boredom, fear, etc.
    Hang in there. Know we are all praying thousands of prayers. Stay healthy and strong, mentally, physically and spiritually!
