Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rocco's 3rd Birthday and More!


It's been awhile since I have blogged because it's been a busy end of summer and beginning of the new school year for us-- here's a recap!

After our fun whirlwind of a vacation to San Diego, Todd and I realized that school was right around the corner and we needed to squeeze in as many activities as possible before our noses were back to the grindstone.

We did a few home improvement things that took a handful of days-- painted the bathroom, added curtains in each bathroom, and updated two closets to be more functional. I went through Rocco's toys and got rid of some of the trashed ones, which was nice-- it made lots more room for him to play.

We went for a play date at Bully Creek with the kiddos and my mom. The water is the lowest I have ever seen it-- you can really tell the farmers are going to be hurting. Rocco played in the mud and had some impromptu swimming (fell in!) and Ruby hung out with her dad in the baby pack. It was a good outing.

We also had a delicious lobster feed at Papa Gary's house for his birthday. Yummmm!

Then... it was time for school!

I am back at the high school for my 6th year teaching. I'm still teaching three periods of art and three periods of Sophomore English. I have a great group of kids this year and am really looking forward to spending the entire year with them (as opposed to only five months like last school year/bed rest/maternity leave.) Todd is back at the middle school and is in his 7th year of teaching. Man, we feel old when we say that-- can't imagine when we're saying, "We've been teaching for 20+ years..." Anyway, he is teaching computers and health again. He is also the head middle school football coach-- he resigned as assistant high school coach to spend more time with the kids. He loves it and thinks that he has a great group of boys.

We spent a day during Labor Day weekend at Sumpter browsing through the flea market, eating crappy fried food, and panning for gold at the dredge.

Rocco is splitting his time between his much-adored babysitter, Whitney, and his Gramma KimKim. He loves going to "Whitty's" house to play with the other kids and spend time with Whitney, but also loves spending time at home with his baby sis and Gramma. Ruby spends every day at home with Gramma Kim. It is so nice and relieving to have such wonderful babysitters for our kids. Makes leaving every day a little easier!

We had Rocco signed up for preschool this fall, but later changed our minds. He just turned three so he would be the youngest in his class, which made me nervous. I just didn't feel like I wanted to push that with him right now-- and wait until next fall when he has another year of growing up. Plus, I feel pretty good about where he stands as far as development-- he has a great vocabulary and speaks well, plays good with other kids, knows his shapes and colors, can count to ten, can count three items (knows their value), and much more. He's on track.

A miraculous feat happened just shy of his third birthday-- he started pooping in the potty! Yahooooooo!!! We are very happy parents-- who are only changing one child's poopy pants (Ruby's) and no more poopy underwear accidents. So nice.

Ruby has had feats of her own recently-- she is a bonafied crawler now and exploring all areas of the house. She is also pulling herself up and cruising around the furniture and toys. She has three teeth and her hair is growing again. She says "MAMA" and "DADA" and "BU BU BU". She is my cuddler and such a sweet, quiet little thing. We are really enjoying watching her grow up. I can't believe she is nine months today-- before I know it, she will be one.

Rocco wanted a fireman birthday party-- and a fireman party he got! We rented the bounce house again, which is a favorite amongst his friends. Along with cupcakes, pizza, balloons, a firetruck cake that I made, lots of presents, family, and friends, the best part of the party was a visit from two real-life firemen in their big fire truck!!! Rocco was so surprised and excited. It was a hit! Everyone pitched in to help buy Rocco a big outdoor trampoline, too, which he has spent many hours on already. Another great aspect of his birthday was having Todd's parents and both grandmas down to visit.

We are looking forward to fall weather-- it is still very much summer temperatures here. We did have some scary lightning and thunderstorms and flash floods a few days ago, but it was still hot as heck and muggy. I am eagerly awaiting the day when it's just cool enough to get on those jeans, a cute sweater or cardigan, and boots. I hope everyone has a wonderful fall and enjoys some pumpkin flavor treats-- I know I will!!!

With that being said-- I am signing off of blogging for awhile, maybe indefinitely. It's nothing serious-- I just don't have the time with a busy three-year-old and a mobile baby... working full time... upkeeping the household... and Todd coaching. I barely have time to shower every night, let alone write blogs. It makes me sad because I love to write... but... with my full plate, it's the last on the list of priorities, I suppose. Check Facebook for photos! :)