Friday, November 9, 2012

Civil War

Nature vs. Science is the topic on my mind this morning. More specifically, the civil war brewing inside my own body.

On one side is Nature. My allegiance lies with Nature. I've actually told doctors and nurses, "I'm kind of an "Earth Mama' when it comes to taking medicine." Nature is telling me that it's time to have this baby. My cervix is ready, my uterus is ready, my hips are aching and spreading, and contractions held my uterus captive. Nature took an early lead in this war by bringing forth their version of silent assassins--hormones-- to spark these physical changes in my body.

But, facing the ultimate blow-- danger to one of my children-- forced me to rethink my allegiance. Call me Benedict Arnold. By my own doing, Nature's opponent, Science, took over. I am now the Science Army General. Science infiltrates the battlefield with a constant stream of pill soldiers (Nifedipine) armed with chemicals to relax the smooth muscle of the uterus and halt contractions.

Nature did not back down easily. It reared its ugly head and decided that attacking with fire was the best defense. Sure, the smooth muscles in my body might be relaxed, such as the uterus, and contractions are temporarily ceased. But that didn't stop my stomach and esophagus from relaxing, too. Heart burn and acid re-flux surged through my chest, throat, and mouth. Again, Science sent in more troops-- this time, ones specializing in fire-fighting (Zantac.)

The Commander in Chief in this situation-- Dr. Duncan-- brought on his own silent assassins. The ones that quietly speed up Ruby's lung development using super-human steroid strength just in case Nature prevails.

Nature says, "Take care of your child. Get up. Go to him. Pick him up. You're a bad mom if you aren't involved."

Science says, "Sit down. Stay put. Don't listen to Nature. It's a small sacrifice."

Even if Nature wins a battle-- maybe I deliver Ruby before 35 weeks and her lungs are not developed-- Science will win the war-- with technology and medicine, Ruby will ultimately be okay. She is worth the title of ultimate traitor, and I will proudly refer to myself as Ms. Arnold.

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