Sunday, August 4, 2013

San Diego Visit

After planning, packing, and baby Jillian finally making her arrival, we set off for our great adventure to San Diego. Here's the scoop on our trip:

Day 1: Vale-Boise-Phoenix-San Diego
The car was packed from driver's seat to tailgate with people, bags, snacks, and toys!!! We set off for Boise-- an hour and a half drive from Vale. One melt-down stop in Nampa for Ruby to regroup, and we were back on the road. There is major construction going in at the Boise Airport, so there was a severe lack of parking options. We literally parked a mile from the actual airport entrance. So here we were-- me pushing a double stroller with two kids under the age of three-- and attempting to simultaneously pull two large rolling suitcases. It was impossible. Eventually, I would push the kids about five feet, then go back and grab the luggage. Push the kids... go back and grab the luggage. Todd, on the other hand, was pulling two large suitcases and packing an infant car seat and a forward-facing full-size car seat. You would think that if parking were an issue, the airport would offer a shuttle service to the terminal, right? Wrong. You would think that they would have carts available for guests, right? Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Anyway, we finally get to the main parking garage where we could see a luggage cart available in sight. I stayed with the bags and the kids while Todd tried to find change-- yup, you need exactly $3 in change-- for a cart. He was panhandling, so it was kind of humorous. Needless to say, we were already regretting our decision to make this trip before even getting into the airport! What really griped my butt was that there were probably ten people who walked by and didn't offer any help whatsoever to us. What happened to humanity and the golden rule?

(4 full suitcases, 1 diaper bag, 1 purse, 1 mini-backpack, 2 car seats, 1 double stroller with 2 kids under the age of 3, and zero luggage carts to be found. Hey, at least Rocco is happy! LOL)

Alright, so at this point we are loaded up on the luggage cart and ready to rock and roll. We move rather quickly through Southwest's check in line and make our way to security. For some reason, I am always targeted at security. Apparently, I look like a terrorist. Something about my mom-bob hair style, diaper bag, and that whole pushing my kids in a stroller thing really screams, "I'm carrying a bomb! Watch out! I love Allah!" Sheesh... Okay, so, security was a disaster. Actually, I described it perfectly as a fucking nightmare at the time. Yes, the f-word is essential in this situation, because it helps describe it the best way possible. It sucked. Pretty much everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I was not a happy camper. Todd was not a happy camper. I can't believe we actually got on the flight.

Here's the thing-- the flights went amazingly well. The kids were awesome. Ruby slept on the first flight and Rocco slept on the second flight. I had a woman tell me I was a good mom. What?! Really?! Things were looking up!

(Sleeping boy as we landed in San Diego... happy Daddy and Ruby)

And then... we had the rental car situation. Todd was in charge of finding a rental car for us. He found the cheapest option... through Fox Rental Car Company. Talk about sketchy. There were a few military men riding along with us in the shuttle from the airport to the rental car place who took pity on us and helped us with our luggage and kiddos. They were true gentlemen and we were extremely grateful for their help. We were waiting for over an hour to get the car once we got to the rental place and no one who worked there helped us with luggage, the kids, etc. By this point, I was to the point where I was pretty much so cranky that I was numb to anything-- I had hit my saturation level. Todd, however, was FUMING. He texted his dad, "I hate San Diego!" He fumed the entire way to his sister's house. We were ready for wine.

When we got to Jim and Stephanie's house, we were greeted with hugs, welcomes, and help. There was an instant relief we both felt. We knew we were finally where we needed to be, we could relax, and Rhonda would grab the box of wine. That evening was spent relaxing poolside, watching Rocco splash around, hanging with the family, eating some dinner, and getting settled in. Everyone met sweet, tiny Jillian. It was the perfect ending to such a roller coaster day! I mean, who can be cranky with a new, sweet baby to be greeted?

(Jillian Marianne Mackris)

Day 2: San Diego & Steve's Birthday
We were all around to celebrate Steve's birthday, which was nice. He said that the best present he could ask for is being around his grandkids, so we delivered! That morning, we went for a short walk to a local park so Rocco could run around and play, but our day was mostly spent relaxing at the house. Rocco swam and swam and swam. He was in love with being in that pool! The girls (Stephanie, Rhonda, and I) made a quick trip to a little clothing store and to grab a birthday cake for Steve. That night, we had dinner, drank wine, sang to Steve, and gorged on birthday cake.

(Lots of fun at the park!)

Day 3: San Diego, Wonderful Balboa Park & Ruby's First Ear Infection
We woke up bright and early on Day 3, ready to take on the world. Okay, mostly, we needed to get a high-energy little boy out to burn off some spunk and sass. I had read about Balboa Park a lot online for one of the best places to take kids, so we decided to spend the morning there. First of all, it is amazingly beautiful. The buildings are gorgeous, as is the landscaping and park-like areas surrounding the buildings. If you go to San Diego, you need to spend time at Balboa Park. I had read about the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center and thought that the hands-on activities would be great for Rocco. It did not disappoint! Rocco had a blast playing in Kid's Town on the fire truck, using the "factory" conveyor belt, and playing with the ball machine.

(Science Center fun!)

It was lunch time after that, so we found a grill and noshed on burgers, fries, sandwiches, and chicken nuggets. After refueling, we found the miniature railroad and hopped aboard. Rocco was excited and nervous. It was a whole new sensation and experience for him-- especially going through the tunnel. Rocco then rode the airplane ride, as well as the carousel with his daddy and Grandpa Steve. We walked back to the entrance of the park to the large fountain that kids can play in with the hopes that our little water boy would want to swim, but he got cold feet and backed out at the last minute. Needless to say, it was the highlight of our trip. Roc fell asleep on the ride home.

(Balboa Park was awesome!)

Ruby had been acting cranky and irritable since the day before we left. She had a runny nose and wasn't sleeping or eating well. We dismissed it as a cold. But when she started pulling on her ear, we thought we should probably take her into see a doctor. We found one close to Jim and Steph's house, loaded Ruby up in the car, and headed out. We got in rather quickly, and the nurses were nice enough. The doctor was old and hard of hearing. Ruby was screaming the entire time, so we were screaming over the top of her to discuss the situation with the doctor. She was miserable, as is, so when Todd had to pin her down onto the exam table so the old saw bones could look in her ear, she really lost it. And so did I. I politely excused myself from the room before I ripped the doctor's face off. Anyway, to make a long story short, he determined that she had an ear infection, called in the meds, and we went back to the house. While Todd was in the pharmacy, I had a melt down. And watched the people in the car in front of me smoke pot. Welcome to California :) Also something I am not used to seeing-- hard alcohol sold in every store, including pharmacies!

Day 4: San Diego, New/Old Friends
Day 4 was spent mostly relaxing. We had plans of having a beach day, but Rocco was perfectly content just swimming away in the pool. And, to be honest, I was perfectly content just hanging out, too. The thing everyone needs to know about Jim and Stephanie's house is that although it is in San Diego, their backyard is heavenly. It is peaceful, quiet, serene, comfortable, private, and beautiful. Every morning, Ruby and I would wake up before anyone else and have coffee by the pool in one of the lush lounge chairs. We'd watch the hummingbirds flitter around the flowers and lemon trees. The weather was absolutely perfect-- not too hot, not too cold. At night, we would watch Rocco night-swim under the stars and drink wine while listening to Jim's playlist of choice. They have worked hard to make their home-- inside and out-- so welcoming, relaxing, beautiful, and serene. They truly treat their guests like royalty when they are there visiting, so it was always nice to know that we were coming home to such a little oasis in the midst of busy San Diego. A girl could get used to it!


That evening, I cooked up a big batch of tacos for the gang, and some friends came over for a visit. Todd and Stephanie went to school in Condon with a girl named Tessa. Tessa also went to school at Eastern Oregon University the same time Todd and I attended. Anyway, Tessa and I had been Facebook friends for awhile, but hadn't technically ever met face-to-face. So, it was nice to finally meet her-- as well as her husband of less than a month, Randy. Talk about good people all around-- funny, down-to-earth, positive, and generous. They came with gifts for the kids, a Mexican 7-layer dip, and beer to share. They recently moved to Marietta, which is about an hour away from San Diego, so I foresee many visits between the Mackris family and the Mullinex clan in the future.

Day 5: San Diego-Las Vegas- Boise-Vale
Ugh. Do we have to leave? Boo.

(Rocco getting one last swim in before leaving...)

(Ruby loves her daddy)

(We attempted to get a photo of the grandkids with Steve and Rhonda, but someone was not cooperating!)

Thankfully, the trip home went MUCH smoother than the first day of travelling. Todd and his dad took the rental car back a day early to avoid that whole fiasco. Steve took us to the airport, so he helped us with the bags and kids (a HUGE help!!!) And security went lots better.

I do have one funny security story I have to share. So, we get everyone loaded up to go through the metal detector/conveyor belt thing and I refuse to take my happy kids out of the stroller to go through the human metal detector. The security officer was a real jerk and I gave him the "eat crap and die" look. Anyway, to avoid being cuffed and thrown into airport jail, Todd took care of the stroller situation while I glared at the security guard. As all of our stuff was coming through the conveyor belt, and we struggled to catch it all while juggling two kids, another security guard came up to grab the stroller and give help. Not only did he say with a big smile on his face, "Here, let me help you with that. You have your hands full!" but he also set up the stroller for us. I looked at him, amazed, touched his shoulder and said with all the appreciation in my heart, "Thank you. You give me faith that not all TSA workers are douche lords. Thank you." He laughed-- a lot-- and said, "Douche lord?!?! I have never heard that one! I'm gonna tell my wife about that one!" I think I made his day-- and he made our experience much sweeter, too.

Anyway-- the flights went well. Ruby slept the first flight. Rocco slept the last flight. The annoying girls sitting in front of us from San Diego to Vegas for a bachelorette party were annoying, but nice to our kids. We were able to get a luggage cart when we got back to Boise to get us back to our car, which was still parked a mile away. There were no meltdown pit stops on the way home-- just cruised straight home.

We were happy to be back in the comforts of our own home with sick kiddos, but are looking forward to our next trip to San Diego to visit Jim, Stephanie, and Jillian again. Next time, we are definitely staying longer!