Monday, October 15, 2012

Ruby and Jaxon

After Todd and I found out that we were expecting Rocco, I immediately started hazing everyone around me to have babies so that my Rocco would have someone to grow up with. Luckily, Rocco has lots of friends his age that he will grow up with, but I especially hazed my brother, Jason, and his wife, Lora.

So when April 2012 rolled around and Todd and I found out that we were expecting our second child (Ruby)-- and still nothing from Jason and Lora-- I gave up.

"They just hate me and never want me to have a niece or nephew!" I whined to anyone who would listen at that point.

I really did just sort of forgot about hazing them. I think that by that point it might have crossed the line into bullying territory. Threatening, perhaps? Todd told me to knock it off. Sigh....

Late one night, not long after announcing our baby news to the family, I was sitting around when my phone went off-- new text message from Lora.

Lora: Am I a good sister in law?

Me: Yes. (In my head thinking, are we fighting or something? What is she talking about? Did I piss her off? What did I do this time? Where is she going with this?)

Lora: Do I do everything you tell me to do?

Me: (utterly confused) Ummmm... yeah. Are you drunk?

Lora then responds with something about her being pregnant-- to be honest, I don't even remember what it said because I was so excited it was all a blur after that.

I immediately called her and prefaced the conversation with "If you are joking with me, I am going to kill you!"

She wasn't! Congratulations and well-wishes all around. They even came over to share their news (they were at my parents' place.)

Even better was finding out that Lora was only 4 weeks behind me, so we would be celebrating being pregnant together AND (even WAY better) Ruby and Jaxon would be growing up together!

(Lora and I at Lora's birthday in July 2012)

It has been fun to be pregnant at the same time as Lora. All of the milestones of the first pregnancy are so thrilling-- everyone finding out, registering for baby gear, seeing ultrasound photos, finding out the sex, picking a name, etc. I am giving her my maternity clothes that are too small from the last pregnancy (the second time around sure is different than the first!) I took her over and got her registered at Babies 'R Us. This being her first time, it is really exciting to watch her belly expand and act like an expert at pregnancy when she asks me questions. It has just been so exciting for everyone. Mostly, I am so happy for Jason and Lora to become parents. It is definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. I know they will be great parents and Jaxon will be super loved. I am also excited the Ruby and Jaxon will be so close in age, just like Jason and I are. It was pretty fun to trick people who didn't know us into thinking we were twins and having a built in BFF around always.

(September 2012-- Rocco's birthday party)

Coming your way in 2013: Ruby and Jaxon. (Ruby's due date is December 27th and Jaxon is expected around January 26th) Watch out, world! There's a new generation of Kacie and Jason coming your way!

(Pumpkin Patch Party-- October 2012)


  1. Love it girls! There is something so special about sharing your pregnancy with your sister in law!

  2. Kacie!
    You know I'm emotional.... I'm such a ball baby! Your too sweet!
    I couldn't image going through all this without you. I can't say thank you enough for all the help and the help to come! Jax is lucky to have an aunt who cares so much!
    Definitely look out for Ruby and Jax at the pumkin patch next year :)
