Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Nesting Instinct

"I'm going to Wal-Mart," I whispered to Todd, who was a second ago sound asleep. Most people are at 4 in the morning. "What time is it?" he asked. I explained that I had been up for a good hour and decided that although it was 4 am, it was the best time to drive the 20 minutes to the nearest Wal-Mart and pick out the perfect lamp for Rocco's nursery. "Can't you wait until I get up?" Todd asked, totally confused and a little concerned. "No," I said, "I have to go RIGHT NOW."

Two days later... Rocco was born.

The "Nesting Instinct" kicked in months ago with Ruby. I had no idea then why I decided it was the perfect time to sterilize all the bottles and nipples, wash and organize all of her clothes, and make sure there was a clean sheet on her crib mattress-- I was only around 7 months pregnant. I now know that my nesting began so early because I started to go into labor at 31 weeks. Makes sense in hind-sight.

I recently did more reading and research on this phenomenon and learned that it is as natural as motherhood itself. All female animals in the animal kingdom do some sort of nesting either right before they have their offspring or right after they have their offspring. It is primal instinct. Birds have a tendency to do what is called "going broody" in which their nesting instinct is to remain in the nest they have built as much as possible before they lay their eggs. I'd have to say that being put on mandatory bed rest has definitely made me "go broody." Poor mama birds... I do have to say that while "going broody" I have felt an urge to crochet beanies like a mad-woman. Hey, at least Ruby's head will be warm.

One website writes, "Nesting brings about some unique and seemingly irrational behaviors in pregnant women and all of them experience it differently." Most women who nest seem to have one goal in mind-- preparing their surroundings for their newborn to be brought home. Usually it consists of cleaning, sterilizing, and organizing. But, did you know that fathers-to-be can also have their own nesting instinct?

It's true. Some fathers-to-be become preoccupied with their own version of getting ready for baby. One website had several men discussing their incessant need to find the perfect family vehicle-- something safe, reliable, and large enough for their brood. Other men went on a remodeling spree where they tore down walls, painted, installed new flooring, etc. Still, some men take a more "motherly" approach and do some cleaning and organizing. I have found that with this pregnancy, Todd has exhibited some nesting signs of his own. This morning, for example, he decided to pack his over-night bag, vacuum, sweep, scrub the baseboards, and take Rocco for a hair cut. He also made sure that we put up the Christmas decorations claiming that he didn't know how many more weekends we would have to do it before Ruby came (this is questionable behavior, because Christmas is Todd's most favorite holiday and he wants to decorate as early as possible every year-- not just when his wife is 9 months pregnant!)

So, Mothers (and Mothers-to-be): What is your nesting story? I have a friend who described how she had the urge to scrub the inside of the dog kennel before her baby's arrival. At the time, it seemed absolutely necessary. In hindsight, she laughed and said something to the effect of, "...Like my baby was going to be in the dog kennel!" (J: if you're reading this, I hope you don't mind that I anonymously used your story!!!)

Whether it's scrubbing a dog kennel or making a trip to Wal-Mart at 4 am for a lamp or just sitting around crocheting beanies like there's going to be a yarn apocalypse  mothers really do have their own unique (and slightly neurotic) way or preparing for baby. I certainly know that Ruby is on her way sooner than later (can you believe that if she stays in me until the 17th it's only 2 weeks!!!) And I know that my husband is exhibiting some odd behaviors of his own lately. Even Rocco is more snuggley and needy today than he has been. I wonder if everyone but me knows that labor is impending and nature is trying to tell us something. We shall see :)

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