Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ruby's Birth Story

A few days after Rocco was born, I sat down (along with Todd and my mom) to write Rocco's birth story. I put it in his scrapbook and have often referred back to it. So, having some time on my hands in the hospital and not being able to be super active, I thought it was the perfect time to write Ruby's birth story.

On Saturday, December 8, 2012, I woke up early and thought, "I need to take Rocco to see Santa today." So, Todd, Rocco, and I loaded up into the car, drove to Boise Towne Square, and waited in line to see Santa. Rocco was so excited and in awe. It was definitely one of my highlights as a parent to see the magic in his eyes. I was breaking the rules of bed rest by taking him, but I knew it would be worth it-- and it was.

We got home, relaxed, and eventually ate some dinner. During dinner I noticed that I was experiencing some contractions with pain. I had experienced this in the past, so I didn't think much of it. I ate like a hog and made sure to drink lots of water (to eliminate contractions due to dehydration.) Dinner was around 5:15 pm. After dinner, I went to sit on the recliner and relax. The contractions didn't stop. I then decided it was time to get in the bath to see if contractions would cease. At that point, I had called my mom to warn her that I might be going in to the hospital to get checked-- but I'd call her after the bath. Still, at this point, I thought my body was just "doing it's thing" and labor was still far from coming. After sitting in the bath for an hour and a half, I decided that maybe I should get a second opinion. This was around 8:15 pm.

I texted one of my nurse friends who works in the labor and delivery unit of the hospital.

"Are you working tonight by any chance?"

"No. Why?"

After explaining my evening to her, she wrote back, "Go in. Is she still breech? Go in." I got out of the bath, calmly told Todd that we needed to go in, and started getting dressed. I called my mom and told her to come on over. Still, I wasn't panicked or even feeling any kind of urgency. Todd, on the other hand, seemed a bit jittery and nervous. He probably won't admit it, but I know him all too well.

Todd says, "I was really confident that Ruby was coming, because Kacie knows her body so well. I knew I needed to make sure I got the car seat, the bags, and make sure Rocco was set. I had to try to be as calm as possible for Kacie."

Mom and Dad showed up quickly. Rocco was super excited to see them, which made leaving him that late at night easier on me. There were lots of hugs and kisses, then Todd and I loaded up into car, and proceeded to St. Al's in Ontario.

"Stay calm. Be really safe. I knew Kacie would be stressed enough as is. I was really excited," Todd recalls of his thoughts on the drive over. We talked a lot-- about random stuff to ease nerves and about the possibility of having a baby that night. I was still pretty calm considering the circumstances.

We got into labor and delivery around 9 pm where we were met by an incredibly sweet nurse, Juanita. She had me get into an extremely glamorous gown, lay on the bed, and strapped two monitors to my belly (one to check contractions and one to check the baby's heartbeat.) She didn't monitor me for long-- as I was having regular contractions ever 2-3 minutes apart. She decided to check me and said, "Oh, you're at a good 3." I was shocked. Here I was laughing, joking, and relatively pain-free. I had no idea I was in "real" labor. (A far cry from my first experience-- I was literally begging for an epidural at a 5!) While checking me, the nurse was almost certain Ruby had flipped and was head down. I kept trying to explain to her that Dr. Duncan also made the same mistake and that I could still feel her head right under my ribs. She had another nurse come in-- Linda-- who also checked and was mystified. They broke out the ultrasound machine and determined, that, in fact, the mother was right all along-- Ruby was still most definitely breech.

"So... if I'm having contractions and am dilated to a 3, does that mean I'm having a baby tonight?" I asked.

"You're having a baby tonight!" Nurse Juanita replied.

We notified very few people-- I think just my parents and Todd's parents. Then, we got ready... Having a C-section is much more of a process than I thought. First, there's the paper work. Then, there's the IV and prep work. There's also the rounding up of the "troops"-- I had no idea it took so many people! There was a regular labor and delivery nurse, an operating room nurse, the anesthesiologist, Dr. Duncan-- my OB/GYN, a nurse who handled all of the "tools" for the job, and the pediatrician. The nurses got us ready in our special outfits (see photo below) and had the anesthesiologist come in to talk to us about the procedure. His name was Mike and he was maybe one of the sweetest men I have ever met. I was so nervous and scared, but he made me feel so much better. The hardest part was being wheeled back to the operating room without Todd-- being so scared and nervous and excited and anxious.

In the operating room, all of the "troops" met up. It was like a party! The operating room nurse and Mike introduced me to the nurse who handles all of the "tools" and I said something really stupid like, "I'm really scared and nervous and sometimes I make really stupid jokes when I'm terrified, so I apologize in advance for anything that comes out of my mouth." They laughed. I then got my spinal. The whole time, someone was walking me through what was happening-- it was great. And thanks to many of my mama friends who have had c-sections sharing their stories with me, I already knew what was happening! The spinal did not hurt at all. It was relatively easy, actually. I was then laid out on the bed and Mike had me stretch my arms out to the sides-- like I was being crucified. They put the sheet up over my face and everyone started their responsibilities. Mike was monitoring my pain the whole time and at one point sensed something was wrong. He asked, "Everything okay?" I said, "I am so nauseous  but I don't know if it is from nerves or the anesthesia." He looked at me, smiled, and said, "I've got something for that..." Oh my gosh... away went the nerves and jitters. Todd came in around that time and was shocked to find a completely mellow wife. He asked Mike if he could have some of whatever magic medicine he gave me for home.

Todd and I talked the whole time-- about what we thought Ruby would look like and about Rocco. I couldn't see anything so I had no idea what was going on. I was nervous about the smell of my skin being cauterized, but that was not an issue. I was also nervous about any noises I might hear-- again, not an issue for me. I knew exactly when Ruby was out of me, though-- because I could feel them lift her out of me. It's an odd experience-- there is no pain, but you can feel pressure/relief. She was born at 11:43 pm on December 8, 2012. It was not too much longer before we heard one of the most reassuring, beautiful, amazing things in the world: Ruby crying.

Now, I am not the sentimental type. I didn't cry when Rocco was born. But, man, did I cry this time. For so long, I had been so worried about Ruby's health, especially her lung development. So, it was such a relief for me, so I think the tears were joyous.

Todd could see Ruby at this point, but I couldn't. I asked several times if she looked alright and if they were suctioning her and if she was okay-- Todd was at ease, so I knew everything must have been okay. And Ruby was roaring the entire time-- she has a great set of lungs on her! Todd said, "She has lots of blonde hair!" Everyone congratulated us, which was so sweet. And as soon as the pediatrician laid Ruby down in the warmer/bed, Mike moved the sheet a little so I could have a look at my girl. I could only see the crown of her head and an ear-- and was shocked at the tuff of platinum blonde hair all around Ruby's head.

It didn't seem like too long before they had Ruby bundled and able to introduce her to me. I kissed her and admired her and talked to her. She was beautiful. Stunningly beautiful. And, yes, it's true, c-section babies are much more attractive than vaginal birth babies because they don't go through all the stress. Ruby was then whisked away to the nursery with Todd following close behind.

I was then sewed up. There are three layers that need to be sewn-- the uterus, the muscle, and the skin. Dr. Duncan was talking about something really random the whole time. I can't remember it now (I was on morphine, so there are many blanks throughout the first couple days!) I think it took about 30 minutes. I was just so anxious to hold Ruby and really check her out, so it felt like an eternity. I even got bored at one point! Finally, I was wheeled into the recovery room where I was met by another nurse who knew my family and Todd had taught some of her kids. I was really out of it at this time, so I can't remember anything except for when Todd and Ruby came back to greet me. Then, it was all about Ruby-- everything else fades away. I finally got to hold, kiss, and snuggle my girl. Still in shock from all of her white hair, I couldn't help but keep pulling the beanie away for a glimpse every few seconds. She was perfect.

Throughout the next few days there were lots of visitors: my parents, Jason and Lora, Aunt Andrea and Grandma Mary, Mikaela, friends, and more. But there were two visitors who were extra special. The first one was Rocco. We were nervous about how he would react to a baby sister, so it was super important that he was one of the first to meet her. He came in with flowers and a huge smile proclaiming, "My sister!" I couldn't stop him from crawling up onto the bed with me. He then proceeded to maul her with kisses. He was absolutely head over heels in love. Totally infatuated. It was so sweet and such a relief. And, according to my mom, a testament to how loved Rocco is because he was mimicking what he has experienced as a child. It was a wonderful experience as a mom to have my two babies finally meet and to see such a bond between them already.

The other special visitor was Grandma Fawn who came all the way to the hospital (with the help of Uncle Dean and Aunt Marcy). I was shocked and happy to see her. It was another memory that will forever be in my heart.

There was also a lot of pain and recovery over the next few days in the hospital. I was extremely sore and uncomfortable-- more than I imagined. It was a task to pee, move in bed, put on socks, hold Ruby-- everything. I felt so helpless. Eventually, I was able to walk around a bit and feel more like a human being. I took a shower, which made me feel like a million bucks! We felt confident enough to go home the Tuesday following Ruby's arrival.

It is amazing how different the second child is from the first. In my case, it was a completely new experience. Since we have been home, I have been so much more relaxed with her and have gotten much more sleep than I did when Rocco was born. She is a sweet baby and so good. She sleeps for 2-3 hours at a time, nurses like a champ, and rarely cries. She is little, but strong. And she is very alert when she is awake-- always studying things around her with her big eyes.

I never knew I could be this happy and have this much love in my heart for another child. But she totally has me wrapped around her little finger.

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