Monday, May 6, 2013

"Terrible" is Not an Accurate Description...

Google "my toddler is a brat" and see what comes up... made me feel better after I did.

The following excerpt from relieved most of my first-child stresses: "Things get decidedly murkier when a child hits toddlerhood, and tantrums over everything from socks to sandwiches become an everyday occurrence. But this behavior is not the earmark of a coddled child; rather, it's a perfectly normal part of child development. In such outbursts, kids assert their independence and vent frustrations when they're unable to express themselves effectively." 

Murkier? Um, let's try clear as mud.

Here's the positive: "perfectly normal"... PERFECTLY NORMAL!

Despite Todd's urging to send our child to a baby psychologist, I can now rest assured knowing that despite that fact that our patience is being tested beyond all limits, our child is perfectly, terribly, miserably normal. 

I hear that 3 is even worse.

So... what can I do to survive? Find awesome stuff like this to help me learn to laugh when I feel like crying...

Sigh of relief that my child is normal. Terrible and normal and wonderful and two.


  1. Hahaha, your post reminded me of this:

    I'm sure you are doing amazing!

    1. This is excellent! This is SO my kid right now... Thanks for sharing and for the laugh :)
